Dr. WellnessRx

Enhancing YOUR "Quality of Life."

The Mission of Dr. WellnessRx is to develop the most comprehensive, personalized, evidence based wellness programs for apparently healthy individuals and worksite wellness that enhances the quality of an individual's life, reduces medical needs and are delivered in a professional, holistic fashion that sets the standard for providing care in the wellness industry. 

The Vision of Dr. WellnessRx is to provide best in class health promotion services to apparently healthy people wishing to improve the quality of their lives and personal wellbeing using health theories and models to develop, implement and evaluate personalized behavior change programs, whether they be for individuals, worksite programs, public speaking & education or consulting services. 

This video is 11 weeks of a 12 week series (may the 12th week one day be found in the realm of the cyber world) on Wellness I had the privilege of doing with a great guy, Tim Elbertson, the weather anchor for FOX 21 Colorado Springs News in 2009.  The content addresses many of the elements of personal behavior that are necessary to deal with on a daily basis to maximize one's lifelong health.  Watching the series, you will be exposed to my philosophy on personal wellness and how dramatically lifestyle choices influence our long-term health and "Quality of Life." In fact, roughly 70 - 80% of all chronic diseases (disease that takes years to develop) out there are a result of the daily choices we make. From the food we eat, how we manage stress - a massive indicator of health status - sleep and activity/fitness patterns, tobacco use, friendships, personal vices and everything in between, all of these choices directly impact our lives.  And here is the real deal. The "stuff" that "causes" us to act and behave like we do isn't going away any time soon. So the question is, "What do you intend to do about it moving forward?" Well.......

Many "experts" present the facade to consumers that to live healthy and well, it takes this massive change of lifestyle for people to be successful and champion their own well being. Many put "absolutes" on behaviors people can and can't do.  In my observations over the years, this method of behavior change support is doomed to fail for a very simple reason: "What if people really like to eat, do, live, behave in the ways "wellness experts" are telling them they can't do anymore?" Well, you are going to have compliance about as good as getting tobacco users to stop using tobacco, roughly 25%.  A very poor return on the health investment and money spent for "expert" advice if this is, in fact, an accepted standard for success with lifestyle change (for many it is). To be successful, and this is the key, experts can not tell clients what they can and can't do, we must modify "what" they are doing so life long enjoyment to the altered behavior occurs and not just compliance until some deadline like the dreaded high school reunion or the Summer vacation passes. 

Nothing in this conversation I have with Tim is an absolute comment. Rather they are guidelines to consider and implement as needed when it will help with an individuals efforts to improve their personal health. Again, to increase behavior change from a paltry 25% to the 80 - 90% range, health experts must take their skills into the realm of the client and implement them there. We can't ask the client to come to the world of "Wellness," leave all their personal "baggage" immediately behind and expect instant success...Well I guess we could and many do.. but not the Dr.! 

So please take a look at any or all of the 12, oops, make that 11, Weeks to Wellness and consider if I may be able to help with either you or your business' wellness needs. If you think so, go to the "Dr. WellnessRX Services Offered" tab to see more of what I have to offer or Contact the Dr. for more wellness banter!! 

Enjoy 12 Weeks to Wellness!! Week 1: Welcome and the basic steps needed to change behavior

Week 2: The "Starvation Response," nutrition for good health and "HOW" people eat.

Week 3: Meal Planning and portion control 

Week 4: How to read food labels 

Week 5: Making bad foods better

Week 6: A recap of nutrition 

Week 7: The five components of fitness

Week 8: Resistance band workouts 

Week 9: Cardiovascular Health 

Week 10: An introduction to stress 

Week 11: Coping with stress