Dr. WellnessRx

Enhancing YOUR "Quality of Life."

The Mission of Dr. WellnessRx is to develop the most comprehensive, personalized, evidence based wellness programs for apparently healthy individuals and worksite wellness that enhances the quality of an individual's life, reduces medical needs and are delivered in a professional, holistic fashion that sets the standard for providing care in the wellness industry. 

The Vision of Dr. WellnessRx is to provide best in class health promotion services to apparently healthy people wishing to improve the quality of their lives and personal wellbeing using health theories and models to develop, implement and evaluate personalized behavior change programs, whether they be for individuals, worksite programs, public speaking & education or consulting services. 

This page is here for readers to take a self-assessment on various dimensions of the theory/model known as Wellness. Take a few minutes and see how you score on these questions to determine if you could use a "Body Wellness Makeover" or if you are rocking and rolling with Wellness!

Wellness Assessment 

Read each statement carefully and respond honestly by using the following scoring

Almost always/Yes = 2            Sometimes/occasionally/Vaguely = 1              Never/No = 0 

___1. I contribute time and/or money to social and community projects

___2. I am committed to a lifetime of volunteerism

___3. I do not use aerosol sprays

___4. I feel strongly about doing my part to preserve the environment

___5. I deliberately minimize my intake of cholesterol, dietary fats, and oils

___6. I maintain regular schedule of immunizations, physicals, dental checkups and self exams

___7. I feel my job allows me to make a difference in the world

___8. My work gives me personal satisfaction and stimulation

___9. I am able to speak comfortably about my personal values and beliefs

___10. I am tolerant of and try to learn about others's beliefs and values

___11. I make an effort to improve my verbal and written skills

___12. I enjoy attending lectures, plays, museums, galleries and/or libraries 

___13. I am able to recognize my personal shortcomings and learn from my mistakes

___14. I see challenges and changes as opportunities for growth

___15. Do you know how much your net worth is?

___16. Do you feel there is plenty of time in a day?

___ Total Wellness Points. 

Scoring: Less than or equal to 23 and you may not be as Well as you think! A call to Dr. Wellness Rx may be in order. If you score more than 23, your Wellness is just fine.